
My One Year Modernaversary

It’s February 25th, which means that it is the one year anniversary of me receiving my first Covid vaccine shot. I was driving down Redwood Road on my way home, and got a text from my friend Emily. She sent a link that stated that the State of Utah Department of Health vaccination criteria had […]

Long Covid Mystery Symptom – Micro Cuts and Tears in Skin

I’ve had skin problems since I was a child. Going to the dermatologist has been the norm for me since the 1980’s. I have been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis vulgaris, pompholyx (dishydrotic eczema), scalp eczema, and intertrigo. I am no stranger to skin problems. But since I was diagnosed with Covid-19 in January 2022, […]

Pop Culture Year in Review 2021

Favorite New Albums of 2021: Pressure Machine – The Killers Sob Rock – John Mayer Horror Show – The Midnight Dirt – Keane Music of the Spheres – Coldplay 30 – Adele Montero – Lil Nas X Favorite Movies Seen in 2021: In The Heights Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar West Side […]

I Miss Blogging a Little Bit

Three years ago, after over a decade of blogging, I had lost all my spark for writing on my blog. I had recently moved to Michigan (again), was figuring out where I was careerwise, and had felt disillusioned by the emotional temperature of the blogging world. Although I wasn’t targeted in the same ways as […]

Pop Culture Year in Review 2015

Honestly, if I could only choose one pop culture phenomenon to highlight from the year 2015, it would be Hamilton. How could you not love a historically-accurate hip-hop musical about the young, scrappy, and hungry life of United States founding father, and architect of the U.S treasury, Alexander Hamilton? Cabinet battles, duels, love triangles, betrayal, […]