
Ketchup Quickly

Church with Taylor went very nicely. He read books to Rosie, put his arm around me, and I could tell that he felt comfortable. There were plenty of smug looks in our direction, but I felt completely happy having him at my side. In SS, I introduced him as someone who was interested in becoming a part of the ward. He met Jessica and Wendy, and a few other friends of mine, and they seemed to like him. After church we came to my house to finish the BTS cake, change, and then we followed each other over to my parents house.

Dinner was teriyaki chicken, which Taylor said was the best he’d ever had. And the BTS cake was good too. We watched the rebroadcast of Elder Maxwell’s funeral and had a really great talk about marriages being eternal. He had to head home earlier than I would have liked, but the quality time made up for it.

Can’t remember…that was a whole week ago!

Taylor was at my house when I got home from work. He had just finished up the arrangements at Shane Co. I made crockpot turkey for dinner, and he helped out making the gravy and potatoes. We dropped off Rosie at work with Karen, and headed to Temple Square. We walked around the gardens and then spent some time talking in the tabernacle. He seems supportive of my future wish to be in the Tab Choir. We did an endowment session at the temple. He said I looked absolutely gorgeous in white. I loved being able to look over at him and see his quiet, contemplative, reverence. I felt very good spiritually also…so thankful that I had been declared worthy to attend the temple. My heart was filled with so much joy as I spent time with Taylor in the Celestial Room. He kept saying “I could so get used to this.” When we walked out of the temple, he held me very close and said “I will love you forever.”

After the temple, we picked up Rosie and got shakes and headed back to my house. It was a stormy night, with lightening more amazing than I can remember. We watched the storm, sat in each others arms, and discussed the joys of our future together. He slept on my couch, and I headed up to bed….wishing we were married and could have had him follow me up.

Slipped downstairs, kissed Taylor on the cheek, and read my scriptures…peeking over at him occasionally. He would have made me breakfast if I didn’t have to head to work….but reality caught up to me. He had forgotten his cell phone in my car, so he stopped by work to pick it up. It was sweet to have him grab me for a longer hug after I gave him a quick one when I met him. Made the security guys chuckle.

Steve picked up Rosie early so he could take her to festival. Ahh…a few days of freedom!

After work, I headed down to Provo to spend the evening with Taylor. He had been feeling somewhat ill…a bit of a head cold…but was feeling better by the time I got there. He made me chicken stir fry for dinner. We went over to Provo Towne Center so I could pick up my guitar case, and look for a gift for Jacob. We couldn’t find the CD he wanted at the mall, so we went to Media Play. It was so fun being there with Taylor….as big of a pop culture junkie as me! We dug through the CD bargain bins (almost got Adam Ant for him for $2) Found Jacob’s cD eventually, and then headed over to A&W for root beer floats. Funny how we felt ridiculously giddy for each other… couldn’t stop holding hands or complimenting each other. It was sweet.

Back at his place, we watched Better off Dead….on DVD! I had been waiting for it to be released…and lo and behold it was already out. It’s hard to say whether he, I or his roommates quoted it more. Can’t wait to give him some (international) language lessons. hehe.

Taylor had to work in the evening…..so I went to the Peter Breinholt concert at Brigham Young park. Super crowded….sat in the very back on the lawn…but Schroeders and Adam Shiflett and his wife (Cydnee’s sister) Wished Taylor was there with me….he would have liked it. Ran into Steve Best….a little awkward but still good to see him.

After the concert I picked up Rosie and went to Mooney’s again to hang with Esther. Rosie was sleepy the whole time, so we just chatted with Jessica…her friend from her UVSC days. I didn’t stay long…just till after Seinfeld, and talked with Taylor on the way home. He makes me so happy.

Crazy day! Woke up early to do some cleaning, and then helped Rosie decorate her bike for the primary parade. Then went to Rachel’s baby shower at Jodi’s house. It was one of the funnest showers I have ever been too…I really bonded with my coworkers. My yarn game went over very well and the food was excellent. Wish I had more time to socialize, but I had Lori Ham’s shower to get to. That shower was also great, just sad because the Hams are moving to Arizona in a few weeks.

I met up with Taylor at my parents house. I was so tired when I got the house, I just crashed on the couch. When he came in, he gave me a tender kiss and stroked my hair until I accepted waking reality and got up. We lazed around for a while, listening to John Mayer. Then we went to Target and got some portraits taken. It was so fun to get into cutesy-kissy poses. I can’t wait to get them back….too bad it is a three week wait. Blech.

Picked up pizza for dinner, and spent the evening together at my parents house. Taylor wanted to head home early to get back to prepare for Sunday, when he noticed his front tire was noticibly low. My dad helped us change his tire, our first trial together. LOL It afforded us another hour together, so it wasn’t all bad.

Taylor went to his ward so he could talk to his bishop about the letter for the sealing cancellation. It was sad not having him there with me, but I look forward to many times together with him at my side at church. I sang in sacrament meeting with the ward choir (As Sisters in Zion/Army of Helaman medley) and led the music in RS. (still haven’t been sustained though LOL)

Met up with Taylor after church at my parents house. Made him another mix cd of dad’s MP3s. Hopefully he will like (especially “Maybe I’m Amazed” and “Forever” by Beach Boys) Dinner was tacos, with GG and Pop, and Linda and Don….as well as my family. It was a nice gathering, lots of laughs and memories. Grandpa talked about his cars, and Taylor made a comment about them being less maintnence than a wife…it made everyone laugh. We had BTS cake, grandma and Jacob opened presents, then Taylor and I took off.

We stopped by Martell’s place to pick up an XBOX game he had left, then we went to Murray park to lay out and enjoy the evening (since Rosie was sleeping) Being there brought back many memories of my HS days (we saw the trees I planted in MCYG) We talked and sang to each other, and talked about some wedding plans. One of the nicest nights I’ve had, just spending time with him. I also asked about Amanda, and how I stacked up to her (since I can help but compare myself) He said I will always be better because I have beautiful blue eyes, I have great taste in music (she liked country) and he wasn’t as attracted physically to her. I know I shouldn’t worry…but it still happens. He resolved a few of my fears, so I feel better about it.

This week he will be packing up, taking finals, applying for jobs, and moving to SLC. I can’t wait to have him live in town!

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