
Geez…What a Life!

Just a quick update:

Getting married Friday October 8. Sealing is at Mt Timpanogas Temple at 1:00, Reception at 6:30 in Murray. If you didn’t get an invite and want to come…let me know.

Steve was arrested and put in jail. His family put up money to bail him out (The bail was set at $150k)

Rosie is doing better, but still quite sensitive in most aspects. She’s excited to have Taylor be a part of our family.

My brother Jacob suffered a head injury. He is in the ICU at LDS Hospital currently, with a baseline fracture of the skull and subdural hematoma. Last CT scan looks okay, very little bleeding at this point. He will recover, but I just got back from the hospital and he was really sedated. He is so sad he’ll miss the wedding. It will be sad to not have Jacob there. Keep him in your prayers!

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