
April Fool

I thought about just letting my LJ sit and waste away in the internet black hole, then decided to post an update.

My 6 month anniversary is on April 8th, and I met Taylor on April 10th last year. The Baja Fresh we met at is now closed…any empty hole in a strip mall. So we can’t reinact that date. But the Sting concert is on April 11th, and Taylor promised to make it an exceptional night. I am excited.

My family is on Oregon for an 11 day family trip. I am jealous. Rosie is vacuuming up hundreds of ants on their kitchen floor that have appeared since my fam left. One just bit my toe.

I got a perm for my birthday. It is super frizzy today. No amount of gel, creme, spray or smoother will tame it. But my shampoo makes it smell like peppermint. mmmmm.

I have a new supervisor at work named Patzy. Barbara was forced into early retirement (aka fired) team goal are exceptionally high, but the negative daily oppression is gone. It will be an adventure.

General Conference was excellent. It is such a blessing to hear the words of a living prophet. I realy liked Elder Nelson’s talk too. Actually they were all good. Too bad Taylor had to work through the afternoon sessions each day. He’s working at a bookstore at the airport called Simply Books. He thinks I need to read a book called “The Busy Woman Syndrome.”

Viva Voce concerts coming up in a few weeks, stay tuned! I don’t have the internet at home anymore. Taylor and I decided it was ridiculous to both have cell phones and a home phone…when the only thing we ever did with our home phone was use dial-up internet. I go through daily withdrawls. It’s tough.

Work is more lame than ever. I could complain for hours…but I won’t.
Finances stink. I could complain for hours about that….but I won’t.

Christmas was awesome. We spent a few days with Taylor’s family in California. The weather was warmer than Utah, but that isn’t hard. I really can see myself living there.

My big gift was STING tickets!!! They aren’t great seats, but that’s what happens when you wait a month after the tickets go on sale. April 11 couldn’t come any sooner.

I’ve gained weight since the wedding. It’s depressing. My fat clothes are getting to small, this must be changed. I’ve so far exercised and eaten my “five a day” each day this year. Grrrr.

Yesterday there was another pre-hearing for Steve. I wasn’t there, so I don’t know what happened…but there is another one next week. All his info is on the district attorney’s website. Ah, what fun things you can find online.

Rosie got her ears pierced. It’s sooooo cute!

Viva Voce started up for the Spring season yesterday. I was so happy for the holiday break, but our season repetoire is quite entertaining…a Children’s Program.

Hmmm….any other updates? Can’t think of any.

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