Today I submitted my letter of intent to resign. According to Lizzie, I wrote a picture-perfect letter of resignation. My last day will be December 14th-ish. It was going to be the 14th, but that’s the day of our big formal Christmas party and the managers will all be busy preparing…so in order to give me a proper send-off (i.e. free lunch) my manager crossed off December 14, and penciled in December 17.
So I’ve done it. I’ve made an official step to moving to Michigan. Sure, looking for jobs and apartments online is part of the process…but now it means no more procrastination. I’m bringing home empty boxes from work, mentally inventorying my closets and bookshelves, and savoring some of the things that are truly California (currently I’m eating a teriyaki bowl from Spikes.)
According to Rachel, I’m not allowed to talk about “Turkey Day.” But hopefully in the next day or so I’ll post a Thankful For list…stay tuned