
How my Tuesday actually went…

1. Readied my self for work (including a remarkably good flat iron job on my hair) and packed the car

2. Dropped off Rosie and drove safely to work in the snow

3. Nervously made it through 6.5 hours of work. Got an email from Emory, telling me that they were going to interview one more candidate before making their decision on the position. At 3:15, felt like a snack and bit down on a fruit snack, losing half of a tooth! This tooth was one that I knew needed a crown, but I was waiting till the new benefit year in January to have the work done. I called the dentist, and was able to get in for a 5:00 pm appointment.

4. Caught the shuttle to my car, drove from Ann Arbor to Rosie’s school in record time, picked her up from daycare, dropped her off with a family in my ward, got caught behind a train, and made it to the dentist’s office a few minutes late.

5. Had the dentist take a look at the tooth, and dishearteningly heard him say, “You need a root canal RIGHT NOW. If you wait even two days, you may lose the tooth.”

6. Was injected, drilled, medicated, poked, prodded for 90 minutes, and had the tooth covered in bonding to hold me over till Tuesday’s crown prep appointment.

7. Downed some Motrin, picked up Rosie, and started driving south on the 275, then the 75

8. Stopped in Mt. Cory, OH for $1.43/gallon gas and Arby’s

9. Arrived at Stacey’s in Union, KY at 11:45 pm

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