The Tayviator is Thirty

This is my Tayviator. That’s Taylor + Aviator, if you didn’t already figure it out. He turned 30 today, and I want to tell you some of the reasons I love him.

He’s a good big brother…he’s the oldest of seven and he makes sure that all of his siblings feel important.

He’s good with technology. He figures out the stuff for me that I’m too impatient to do myself.

He’s a good protector of the family

He’s Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent

He’s worked hard to complete his education

He’s willing to try new things, even when he looks like a fool

He stands up for what he believes in

He is an extremely loyal friend

He has a “Taylorsmile” and kind eyes

He has forever enriched the lives of Rosie and I

He came into my life exactly when I needed him

He let me put this picture in our wedding announcements, even though he thought the pose was cheesy and contrived

He tells me often that he loves me more than the day he married me

He looks so irresistible lying next to his laptop

He’s survived some pretty hellish times, including a trip to Hell (Michigan)

He shares his Diet Coke when we go out to dinner

He puts the twinkle in my eye

He humors me with taking pictures for my blog that he thinks are really lame

He loves the beach as much as I do (especially Ventura County)

He introduced me to In-n-Out

He takes my breath away

He makes our house feel like a home

He understands my need for adventure and culture, and takes me out on the town

He treats me the way an adoring husband should treat his wife

He has secret magical powers (and is a blast to be with at Disneyland)

He’s a devoted husband and father

He’s fun to fly with

He has extremely kissable lips (and they’re all mine)

He looks hot in his uniform

He’s fun to be with, both day and night

He loves to travel, and has afforded me many opportunities to see many parts of the country

He “rocks” my world

I love you, Tay!

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