
Another Moving Fiasco: Part 3

Phew! I finally made some headway in MovingGate 2009-2010. It took bombarding Moving 1 with voice mails and emails for a few days before Rob would actually accept a call from me (I was really getting sick of the receptionist whispering to him that I was on the phone, thinking she’d placed the call on hold). After reviewing the emailed quotes I’d sent from other moving companies, (and sternly warning him with some legal mumbo-jumbo suggested from my buddy in law school,) Rob finally agreed to removed the $2/CF surcharge on the “extra” 190 CF. That brought down the price $360. Not terribly significant, but he said it was the best he could offer outside of court. Since I didn’t want to wait for my belongings through a lengthy multi-state court process, I accepted the arrangement. It’s still $1075 more than the binding estimate, but I don’t think I could have been any more successful without paying for a lawyer. I never heard back from Gephardt, but if he does contact me, I’ll see if he has any additional tips for me. I’ve reported the company to the BBB and American Moving and Storage Association. In the words of Mr. T: “I pity the fool who uses Moving 1!”One other bright spot: We negotiated with Taylor’s company to give us additional reimbursement towards our moving costs. They’ll cover the $450 in packing supplies. With the “discount” from Moving 1 and extra money from the airline, we are scheduled to have our stuff arrive in Spanish Fork sometime between January 16-22. We’ll have to do some mad pawning, Ebaying, and KSL.com selling to get enough cash this week (since the reimbursement will take a while). I’ve got a ton of Rosie’s baby clothes (newborn to 4T) if you’re interested….

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