Losing My License and My Mind in Phoenix

This weekend was awesome. But it almost wasn’t. Back on my 30th birthday, Taylor’s gift to me was a verbal promise for a one-day ticket to the Coachella Music Festival. But the ticketing guidelines changed this year, and only $270 full weekend passes were available. When my Coachella plans fell through, he told me to […]

Despair and Euphoria

Melancholy Indulgent Narcissistic Overly-critical Impatient Unrealistic Moody Contrary Impulsive Unforgiving Wistful Confused Irreverent Recently I’ve had a difficult time figuring out who I am. I feel like my life is a constant state of change, and so many elements are beyond my control. When I am in a depressive episode (nearly a year now), I […]

Who on Earth is Tarlov, and How Did I Get His Cysts?

Yesterday I went back to the imaging center for my second MRI of my lumbar spine. This time it was done with contrast dye, which I had a mild adverse reaction to (burning sensation, nausea, etc). Once my body calmed down after the dye was injected, the MRI was pretty simple. This afternoon the results […]

Irresistible and Fascinating, Just Like a Red Velvet Cupcake

You’re a special occasion treat — and you know it. For a cupcake, you’ve got major self-confidence. You aren’t just made with red velvet batter; your personality reflects the specialness of red velvet anything… from gold-trimmed theater curtains to expensive upholstery to an unbelievably lavish dress for a ravishing young princess. As a human, you’re […]

The Hottest Couple, This Side of the Wasatch Fault

I love getting my picture taken. I’m blessed with face photogenic enough to make up for everything else I don’t like about my voluptuous body. My husband, on the other hand, isn’t thrilled about gettingĀ  captured on camera. When he smiles for a picture, he poses his face into something I’ve affectionately called his “Taylorsmile” […]

The All-New www.cuteculturechick.com

After hinting around for a few weeks, I’m finally ready to announce the relaunch of my beloved site http://www.cuteculturechick.com For the last month, I’ve been comparison-shopping web hosts, rethinking the vision and scope of my future contributions to the interwebs and bloggosphere. I want to offer more tips and tricks on discount travel, be an […]