
Blog Stalking – Creepy or Complimentary?

I am certifiably addicted to blogs. I’ve been a blogger on and off for seven years. As of today, I have 357 different subscriptions in my Google Reader, plus about 15 private blogs I follow (yeah, I know I’m crazy). I don’t read EVERYTHING in detail, and I usually only comment if there’s something particularly […]

500th Post!

I am excited to report that I’ve been blogging continuously for nearly 5 years (my bloggiversary is June 8th, 2004) For those who haven’t known me very long, or just recently found my blog, here’s a list of blog highlights for your viewing pleasure: 6/14/04 – The first time I blogged about my sleep problems […]

Post 499: MIA?, Portland Trip, and non-revving nightmare

Thank you to all those who checked up on me to see if I was okay. “A week without blogging? Are you seriously ill?”, several people asked. No..I’m not ill – just in need of a break from the rigors of creativity and daily blogging. The Portland trip was exciting and exhausting. Rosie and I […]

A Problem in the Code

I have been using Google Analytics for tracking on my blog for a few months…or so I thought. I used to religiously check who my visitors were, what they searched for, where their IP addresses were located. I decided I was too obsessed with it, so I stopped checking it every day. About a month […]

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Please forgive the post spamming

I know that I’m getting fairly close to 500 lifetime blog posts. All of my stuff from 2004-2005 was published from Livejournal and Myspace, and I stuck them in lumps of posts. Feel free to peruse, or to ignore my old stuff…I just want a more accurate record. 500 will be big! (ps Maybe your […]

March Madness – CCCC edition

Hello friends, readers and blog stalkers! Today begins March Madness – and as much as some love the NCAA…this March Madness is CuteCultureChick Comment edition (CCCC)! What this means, is that I’m going to reward the person who comments on my blog the most until April 6th (which is when the NCAA champion game will […]

New Layout

Hey folks who read my blog in Google Reader or other subscription feed: I just updated my blog’s layout with help from April and Heather. Two people have told me that my blog pages won’t load without an error message. I’ve checked it on my three computers in Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. Could you go […]

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Kreativ Blogger Award

The KBA. It’s not quite a Grammy (which as a young aspiring musician was my dream to achieve), but it’s an award nonetheless. Mary just nominated me for the Kreativ Blogger award. This award includes me posting a list of random things to get to know me better. However, I have listed so many quirks […]


Today was a big day in my blogging career. According to my Sitemeter, I’ve had 10,000 unique visitor hits since I added it to my blog in January 2008 (I started blogging back in 2002, but have no idea how many hits happened prior to adding my meter). What does 10,000 equate to? It is […]

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