The Ultimate High School Stalker Letter

I have been having a blast going through my old boxes of high school stuff. Pictures, ticket stubs, notes, old research papers, choir programs, mixtapes, and more. I’m an admitted pack rat when it comes to nostalgia, but there were some true gems in this box. My favorite find was this letter from a boy […]

Wednesday Weather Love Letter

Dear Rain,Despite the gloominess that many people associate with stormy skies, you make me happy. Love,Nicole When I went on my evening walk last night around 7:00 pm, it was 82 degrees but angry clouds threatened overhead. This morning around 5:30 am, I woke up to a tremendous storm. Thunder rumbled, lightning flashed, wind whipped, […]

Letters I hate to receive

Letters that I’ve received this week, that I wish that I hadn’t opened: “A case of headlice has been reported in your son and/or daughter’s classroom” “A registered sex offender has moved into your building” “The forbearance period has ended on loan XXXXXXX, and payments resume starting March 31” …and of course, all the bank […]

Today’s Rants

Olive Garden Restaurant4749 Ashford Dunwoody Rd NEAtlanta, GA 30338 Dear Manager,I still have a bad taste in my mouth after eating at your restaurant last night. My food was okay…mediocre I suppose…but that is what I’ve come to expect from Olive Garden. It was a lame idea for your big-wigs to make the soup and […]

Dear Government,

Dear Government,All eyes are on the Detroit Automakers request for a multi-billion dollar bailout. I realize this is a huge request, with many long-term consequences either way. However, at this moment I’m requesting another type of bailout in the Detroit region. Help my struggling family for the next month. I just paid my bills- car […]

Thursday Green

Dear IRS,Thank you for your promises of a generous tax refund. I am happy that it will soon pad my unemployed bank account. I look forward to my future rebate check as well. So why must you tease me with promises of $2100 direct deposited into my account by March 14th? It’s now the 20th […]