
I’ve been tagged by at least 3 people for this Christmas meme. Here goes šŸ™‚ 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? It doesn’t matter so much, as long as it fits in my carry-on. It’s gift card central for me usually2. Real tree or Artificial? I like it both ways, to be honest. But I […]

Top Twelves of 2008

Iā€™m a bit late for the 12 days of Christmas to start, but here are my top 12 lists of 2008 (because 10 are just not enough!) Top 12 Obsession Albums of 2008Twilight SoundtrackBlack Holes and Revelations by MusePerfect Symmetry by KeaneOnce SoundtrackViva la Vida by ColdplayRiot by ParamoreNarrow Stairs by Death Cab for CutieOn […]

Crazy 8’s

I was tagged again by Celeste, so here I go! 8 Favorite T.V. Shows (in no particular order) -House, M.D.-90210-The Office-Grey’s Anatomy-American Idol-Ugly Betty-Arrested Development-Gilmore Girls 8 favorite restaurants -The Melting Pot-El Torito-La Tolteca-Acapulco’s-Cafe Rio-Chick-Fil-A-On The Border Mexican Grill-Chili’s 8 things that happened yesterday (Saturday November 22) -Had a family breakfast at Denny’s-Went to Costco […]


Your Personality Cluster is Extraverted Intuition You are: You are a true wordsmith and a master of words. You are original, spontaneous, and a true inspiration. Highly energetic, you are up for any challenge. You are entertaining and engaging… both to friends and strangers.

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Take the Quiz and Share Your Results! You are intelligent, outgoing & stylish. A true girly girl, you love shopping & makeovers. Although you are a generous friend, you can be coy, tricky & very persuasive in order to get your way. You are known to zone out occasionally during conversations, but your friends forgive […]

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Tagged by Celeste

3 Joys-My family and Friends-Culture (Music, theater, movies, pop culture)-Good Food 3 Fears-Offending others-Uncontrollable Fires-Being in debt the rest of my life 3 Obsessions-Things that taste good-Trying new things and being unique-Being “connected” – internet, texting, blogging, etc… 3 Surprising Facts-I’ve gone to a dermatologist regularly since I was 7 years old (and need to […]

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’08 Summertime Fun

In honor of the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics being held on 8-8-08, here is a fun tag that I stole off a blog on my reader. 8 TV Shows I Love to Watch: The Office, Arrested Development, Ugly Betty, 24, ER, Greys Anatomy, American Idol, 90210 8 Restaurants I Love: The Melting Pot, BJ’s, […]

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Memories of Me

Here are the directions: 1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn’t matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! 2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It’s actually pretty […]

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I’ve been Tagged!

I’ve been tagged by Celeste for another lovely Meme. Here goes!1) What I was doing 10 years ago: Loving the last semester at Murray High. I just finished working at Utah Vision Care, and was just starting at US Vision Care. I was in A’Cappella, Bell Choir, National Honor Society, Key Club, seminary class president, […]

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