
Prius Envy

Yesterday, my neighbors two houses down came home from the dealership with a shiny new Toyota Prius. I’ve been a closet fan of the Prius since my friend’s family purchased one a few years ago. And as a self-described “autophile,” there’s a part of me that has a deep sense of envy when someone I know gets a new car.

I only have to look back one year to the day I came home with the Fittle…my black 2007 Honda Fit Sport. It was unique-looking, fun to drive, and had tons of fun features. I was over-excited for the chance at being the envy of my neighbors. But it didn’t take long before someone else got a cooler car, the payments became out of control for our budget, and I knew that having the newest and greatest car wasn’t a necessity.

I’m happy with my Camry. It has it’s quirks….like a super-sensitive alarm system that blares out for no apparent reason occasionally. But it’s dependable and affordable, and a sensible option for a mom. But a small flicker in me feels the “Prius Envy.” So here’s my little blog about the Prius…and then I can get on with my homework.

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