
Murray Christmas!

Greetings from Murray! After a crazy year of being across the country from my husband, and a crazy month of packing, planning, and moving…it feels so good to be “home” in Murray!

There’s no way I could have gotten through this insane week of moving without Eleanor, Debbie, Jake, Mary, Lizzie, Andrea, Brett, Anastasia, the Elders, and Rosie….packing and cleaning by my side. I worked my last day at Montclair Hospital, finished up Christmas shopping, gave multiple rounds of “See ya Soon” hugs, packed my car to the gills, and drove up to snowy Utah. I dealt with torrential rain on days I needed to dumpster-dive for boxes. I ate my last Animal Fries, Sweet Potato Stack and BJ’s Pizookie. I had my last four hours of dental work (with a monster boil by my lip to prove it). I suffered through 5 hours of smoky-smelling movers packing my life away into a semi truck (and having to pay over $600 more than my original quote) I had three “incidents” with my car, giving Cami a few more battle wounds. I closed up utility accounts, put in my change of address forms, turned in my modem, and said goodbye to the “blue house” that’s been so good to me for the last 18 months.

It’s unreal to think that I’m moving across the country from all the friends and family I have. It’s unreal to think I’m trading in my tees, capris, and flip flops for parkas, thermals, and snowboots. Trading palm trees and ocean for naked deciduous trees and the Great Lakes. Trading the Clean Air Act for “Smoking or Non?”

But in between the reality of my California existence and the surreal future of my Michigan life…I’m blogging from my parents’ blue leather couch that holds so many memories…Family Home Evenings, recovering from my ARDS nightmare, making out with HS boyfriends, birthday circle memory games, folding mountainous loads of laundry, and countless other parties and domestic tasks. My feet are propped up on the long-loved coffee table that I gave to my parents when I moved to Cali. The hand-made stockings that my mom assembled when we moved to Murray are hooked on the mantle to my left, and the blue-and-pink adorned Christmas tree is in view to my right. I’ll be attending church at the good ol’ Highland Ward today. The only two things that could make my time at home better is Taylor…who plans to fly out to SLC on the 26th and 27th….and listening to Amy Grant’s Christmas CD…my dad’s mainstay holiday music continuously played during every December since 1993.

Merry Christmas. Joyeux Noel. Mele Kelikimaka. Feliz Navidad.

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