
Thursday Green…

Since bright green is my favorite color, I decided to start a weekly blog post (much like blogger friend’s Wednesday Giggles, Friday Fluff, Morning Wood and Street-Urchin blogging, etc…) Mine will be Thursday Green (’cause you know what they saw about people that wear green on a Thursday???) It will either be about something green in color, or a post about my rockstar money-saving bargain-skillz. Today my new swimsuit came in the mail. I buy a new swimsuit every year in the spring…I’ve always loved to swim, and last years suit is SO stretched out, snagged and ugly from all my water aerobics. It fits like a halter suit with criss-cross straps in back. Perfect for athletic swimming. It’s also nice to have a suit that is plus size, but isn’t a swim dress. This suit is an update from the one I got last year…it fits nicely under shorts when going to the beach. I bought it from OldNavy.com. It was $40…could be worse.

I also bought a new digital camera today…8 MP, 3x optical zoom, all the bells and whistles…normally $299, for $79 (new with 1 year warranty included). I just hope it makes it in time for my Boston trip next Thursday.

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