
WALL-E and BBs

Today started out so great..slept in with Taylor, ate some yummy french toast for breakfast, watched a beautiful rainstorm, and then saw WALL-E with Rosie, Taylor, Mike, and Erin. As we walked out to the car after the flick, I noticed seven bullet holes in the side of Taylor’s Civic!!!

I just came back inside from talking to a police officer who took the police report. A few silver BBs were in the cracks of the asphalt at our apartment, so it didn’t happen in the parking lot of the theater. The officer said that two other people had filed reports in our neighborhood for BB vandalism. I guess that I didn’t notice the holes in the car when we left for the theater because the car was still covered in rain from the storm.

This is the third incident with Taylor’s “new” Civic since he bought it in March. First was the drivers side rear fender, then it was the rear bumper….both hit-and-runs in the airport parking lot. Now BB’s at our apartment?

At least WALL-E was wonderful. I totally loved it and suggest you see it.

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