
Twitter Confessions

Over the last month, I’ve connected with two of my late elementary/middle school friends on Twitter. Chris and Mariko keep me in stitches daily with their status updates. Last night, Mariko made a random comment about a boy that I’d had a crush on for several years as a tween, and I confessed how I felt about him I rode my bike past boy‘s house on my way to piano lessons for 4 years. We used to ride bikes in the forest, climb trees and chain-link fences, and he did annoying things to me that I now realize were flirting.

Then Chris, one of said boy‘s long-time friends, chimed in that boy had a crush on me too. (Why couldn’t I have known about this in 1993?) Boy and I wrote letters to each other for the next few years after I moved to Utah, and the topics of the letters usually revolved around doodles of people with mowhawks and emo monologues about death. I visited him a few times over the next few years until we graduated from high school. And each time he was better looking.

Throughout the next few hours, I also confessed that I’d crushed on Chris also, but he was dating my best friend Coral at the time. I also visited Chris on return trips to Oregon with her. Then Mariko confessed that she’d crushed on boy also. Who knew he was such hot stuff to the tween crowd?

So many confessions, all at 140 characters each.

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