
25 Random Facts About Me

1. I have an obsession with multi-colored striped socks.
2. I sometimes want to go to a concert so badly that I’ll buy the tickets and vow to eat Top Ramen and Mac & Cheese until I’ve made up the price of the concert.
3. I’ve always wanted someone to throw me a suprise birthday party….but now that I’ve said that, I don’t want it to be on my upcoming 30th birthday.
4. Since my trip to London, I’m keeping my eye out for anything Black Currant flavored (which is proving hard to find at the regular grocery stores)
5. I’ve been baby hungry lately. Yep, I’ve admitted it. Maybe in the next year I’ll do something about it.
6. I watch at least one episode on Hulu.com per day because there are no TV stations that work at my house without cable or satellite. Current shows I’m following are Grey’s Anatomy, The Biggest Loser, Private Practice, 90210, Glee, The Office, Ugly Betty, and clips from SNL.
7. I need to make appointments with a dermatologist, OB/GYN, dentist, optometrist and endocrinologist before the end of the year (when my amazing copays will likely go up)
8. Today Rosie made me an awesome fresh fruit salad. She seperated the pomegranate, sliced up Fuji apples, bananas and mango. She used all my fruit that I bought at the grocery store yesterday, except for the blueberries. It was refreshing and a fun suprise from my awesome daughter.
9. I’ve got two concerts coming up that I’m excited about: Mat Kearney this week, and Imogen Heap next month. If you want to go, shows are at In The Venue in SLC, tickets are GA and still available.
10. I usually am not at a loss for words, but I have no idea what to say when I made a statement at the Utah State Correctional facility next month.
11. I got a gym membership this week. I haven’t had one since last year in Michigan. I figured that I need to put more effort into getting into shape, since I’m unemployed and have plenty of time to spare. I got a freebie personal training session a few days ago, and have been sore ever since.
12. Speaking of unemployment, I’m really frustrated about the lack of job opportunities in my field in Utah County. I’m going to decide this week how I can come up with $2000 to pay for a course to become certified in hospital coding. I’ve wanted to do this for years, but didn’t have the time while working full time. After all these months at home, I’m liking the idea of having a job that will allow me to work from home (see #5)
13. I’ve been getting quotes from moving companies this week We are going to ship all of our stuff from our Georgia storage unit out to Utah. Since Taylor recently was displaced from Atlanta to Memphis, his company will reimburse a portion of the moving expenses. So far, quotes are $1800-$3000, depending on which company to use. Yet another big expense we need to figure out how we’ll cover.
14. I am currently digging these newly acquired albums:
“I Told You I Was Freaky” by Flight of the Conchords
“Far” by Regina Spektor
“Ocean Eyes” by Owl City
“Brand New Eyes” by Paramore
“Ellipse” by Imogen Heap
“Breakthrough” by Colbie Caillat
(500) Days of Summer Soundrack
15. I’m out of iTunes gift cards. I got a stack of them for last Christmas and recently uncovered them in my black hole purse pocket. Thus all the new music. If you are wondering what is on my Christmas list, you can never go wrong with iTunes credit. Or foreign candy.
16. I made the switch from a Blackberry Curve to an iPhone this week. It’s a 2 year old used 2G model, purchased for dirt cheap off a cousin who got the 3GS. I had avoided it for a while, but am quickly becoming a believer. I was sick of my BB giving the “hourglass of doom” several times a day, as well as the horrible camera. That now brings my Apple products total to 4. Someday I’ll get my Macbook.
17. I started a new blog…Nicole Rates It. Because my opinion matters.
18. I might join my friend’s family’s handbell choir. I’m missing musical performance in my life.
19. In-N-Out is opening northern Utah locations. Cafe Rio is opening California locations. As much as I love the food from both places, I’m a little sad that they’re expanding out of their regional markets. What will we see next…Waffle House in Spanish Fork?
20. 86 kids from Rosie’s school missed school in October due to H1N1. I’ve been experiencing fever, runny nose, body aches, headache, and cough since I returned from London. I refuse to acknowledge the correlation, but admit that I played hooky from church just in case.
21. I found a bunch of great books at thrift stores this week, including piano music for hits from 1984 and 1989. Can’t wait to get my keyboard back and brush up on my Wilson Phillips, NKOTB, Donny Osmond, and Duran Duran.
22. I have three different type of toothpaste in my bathroom, which I use depending on my mood.
23. I keep a suitcase half-packed in my closet, just in case an opportunity to travel comes up with little notice.
24. I’m in the mood to go on a really scary rollercoaster.

25. I narrowly averted a Keane crisis at Whole Foods yesterday. I was showing my Keane mega-fan Esther some of the biscuits I’d eaten in London at Whole Foods, and when she saw the HobNobs, she said “Richard loves those!” I thought she meant the Richard she has a date with next week…but she’s like, “you know Richard whatshisface from Keane”. We couldn’t think of his last name and had panicked expressions on our faces, and the Whole Foods employee asked if there was anything he could help with. I asked him if he knew Richard’s last name, and he acted like we were crazy. After a few Google searches on my iPhone, we were reminded that Richard’s last name is Hughes. Keane crisis narrowly averted thanks to Google Mobile. And for your viewing enjoyment, this is Esther playing with Richard’s ear after the LA Palladium Show last May.We met the Keane band members after the concert….and she saw them again in SLC a few days later.

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