
Shameless Self Promotion: Ignite Salt Lake and Frida Tweetup

Ignite SLC In case you haven’t seen my tweets or Facebook messages about it, I’ve been selected to speak at Ignite Salt Lake 7, a community event celebrating passion and geek culture.  Ignite events showcase a series of speakers, who in rapid succession, give 5 minute talks on whatever ignites their passion. Speakers are allowed 20 slides that auto-forward every 15 seconds, whether the speakers are ready or not.

My presentation title: Enjoy Your Time at the Airport, Whether or Not Your Junk is Touched – How to stay sane at the airport when bumped flight after flight after flight.”

Ignite Salt Lake will be held at 6:30 pm at the Thanksgiving Point Corporate Show Barn in Lehi. Free tickets are available on the Ignite Salt Lake website. There is no age restriction, but content tends to be PG-13.

Frida Bistro Salt Lake City

The other event coming up is The Frida Tweetup (aka #FridaTweetup on Twitter.) It’s a public Twitter event, also known as a “Tweetup,” conveniently planned on February 5th…my birthday! Frida Bistro is one of the hottest eateries in Salt Lake City. The restaurant is usually not open for lunch on Saturdays, but I’ve arranged to have the restaurant opened for this special event. Whether or not Twitter is your thing…come meet, greet, tweet, and eat with the SLC Twitterati. RSVP at Twtvite or on Facebook.

Please join me and “make love” to the food!

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