Hi, I’m Nicole

In preparation for my 3rd BlogHer conference, I wanted to give a little updated bio for my new friends visiting the site. I began blogging in 2002, and this is my personal/memoir blog.

My love for writing began when I was 13 years old. My family moved from Portland, Oregon to Salt Lake City, Utah, and I kept in touch with many friends with frequent letters. Those letters eventually turned into emails. I was an avid daily journal writer for years, and blogging was a natural extension of that habit.

My husband Taylor is a regional airline pilot. For a few years, this blog had a pilot wife-centric theme, but lately I write less about aviation and pilot wifestyle. Taylor and I met online and “Cute Culture Chick” was the online persona I hastily chose for my dating profile. We have been married almost 8 years. In that time, we’ve lived in Utah, Southern California, Michigan, and Georgia, and currently are back in Utah. I have a daughter named Rosie who is nearly 12, and although I’m a mother, I don’t like being called a “mommy blogger.”

Common writing themes in the blog include humor, travel, pop culture, and my journey of self-discovery. I’ve faced a number of health problems through my life, which I’ve chronicled through posts over the years. I recently had a gastric bypass and have lost almost 100 pounds so far. I blog about my challenges and triumphs with my weight loss at Beauty and the Bypass.

Professionally, I spend my time doing social media, SEO and corporate blogging. I worked in healthcare for 10 years, but when I made the transition to internet-based work, my personal blogging has suffered. I occasionally work with brands, but this blog is not revenue-focused. This is where I have fun and write for me, and have thankfully had people say they like what I write. I’ve made wonderful friends though blogging, and these relationships are what keep me going.

So, that’s me in a nutshell. I’m active on Twitter @cuteculturechic, so please give me a follow so we can connect!

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