
Type-A Parent Conference 2013 Ticket Giveaway

type-a parent conferenceIn the past few years, there has been a proliferation of new blogging, social media, and digital marketing conferences. Some have a focus on people who work in agencies, some are for bloggers starting out, and others are for coding and analytics geeks. Although I’ve found value in all of the conferences I’ve attended, I’ve found my home with Type-A Parent Conference. I recently wrote about Why I Love Type-A Parent Conference, and I just returned from Type-A Advanced in Philadelphia with a lot of love in my heart (other than the jerk I sat by on the plane).

Those who have attended  Type-A events love them. And I love my readers. And this week, I’m giving away a free ticket to a conference I love.

Did you catch that? I’m giving away a FREE ticket to TYPE-A PARENT CONFERENCE in Atlanta.

 #typeaphilly closing partyType-A Parent Conference will be held in Atlanta, Georgia at Westin Buckhead. The conference dates are Friday, September 27, 2013 to Sunday, September 29, 2013. For more information about the conference, visit the event page. The full-price ticket goes for $297, and does not include transportation, food, spending money, or lodging. But! If you win, I’ll take you out to dinner one of the nights of the conference (Atlanta is a foodie’s paradise, btw).

To enter, complete the entry options on the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Please only enter if you are personally able to attend the conference – the ticket is not for resale. If you are selected and unable to attend, I will choose another entrant. Giveaway ends April 28, 2013 at midnight EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I personally purchased this ticket at an earlybird price for the purpose of a giveaway. I am not an employee of Type-A Parent, just a huge fan. No compensation was given to me for hosting this giveaway.

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