
Self-Less – Thoughts on Service and Depression in Mormon Culture

“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:48 My whole life, I have been taught of the value of selfless service. If you are ever struggling with yourself, find someone to serve and it will help your situation not seem so bleak. It is important to show compassion; to […]

Insomnia and Hypersomnia

The insomnia monster is visiting me regularly these days, or nights rather. It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about my sleep issues, so what better time to write about it than in the middle of the night? Since my mid-teenage years, I’ve had such irregular sleep patterns. Or “poor sleep hygiene” as a sleep […]

Putting the CUTE back into CuteCultureChick

I may not be everyone’s ideal of beauty, but I am beautiful. At least, I believe I am most of the time. The last 24 hours have really rocked my world. An article by Maura Kelly was posted yesterday, via the Marie Claire website, entitled “Should Fatties Get A Room (Even on TV?).” In this […]

Doing my Best

The last few months have really put me through the wringer, emotionally and physically. It has been incredibly difficult to go from an able-bodied, overzealous DO-er, to someone who has to accept help from others, and be satisfied with myself when I accomplish less than my usual best. My mother has dealt with chronic pain […]

Depressed Bloggers Anonymous

Over the last few weeks, I have been catching up on my Google Reader. As I’ve skimmed and soaked in 1000+ blog posts over the last 3 months, I’ve found a common theme: depression. I read posts on Mormon Women Project, Blog Segullah, Mormon Mommy Blogs, FMH,  Melancholy Smile, and other sites I love. I […]

Road to Recovery

Thank you for all of your well wishes, tweets of concern, and blog comments of sympathy. It’s been a tough few days. I’m prone to all sorts of lung nastiness (asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, random bronchospasms) and this week has been quite an experience. I finished up my Z-Pak today, have decreased my nebulizer treatments from […]