
Healthcare Rant: When Quality Care Goes Wrong

As I’ve been dealing with many difficult health issues this past year, the U.S. healthcare reform debate has fallen below the Nicole radar. It surprises me that I’ve avoided it, as my career is in healthcare administration. I know it’s an important time in my field, but seven months of unemployment have kept me out […]

Ten Goals for 2010

Rediscover my musical talents, particularly piano, voice, and bass guitar Give up texting while driving Give up 32+ ounce diet sodas Lose at least 10% of my body weight Visit 2 states I’ve never been to (Currently need to hit AK, AL, LA, NC, DE, VA, WV, MD, ME, ND, SD, VT, NH, OK and […]

Spray Paint and Pneumonia

I. AM. SICK…MISERABLE. I am splayed out in bed, feverish, coughing, and my lungs are on FIRE. I’m dosed up on antibiotics and steroids. It turns out that I have a pneumonia, but I was a little surprised. Rosie and her new (older) friends found some cans of spray paint in the basement, and went […]


As most of you know, I’ve made my career working in healthcare. Spending 8 hours a day in a hospital seems normal to me. I’ve always had a morbid fascination with the internal processes of the body, especially surgical procedures. So what do I do on my day off? Research surgeries! I know, I’m insane. […]

Destined to NOT be a ZOMBIE

Today is the sleepiest I’ve been on a workday in ages. Destined to NOT be a ZOMBIE I have two explanations. One is that I haven’t been taking one of my meds to keep me awake during the day. I’m in prescription stimulant withdrawl. I have my sleep oximitery test tonight. Had to take a long […]