A few good things

After such a downer post, here are a few good things….–The Ben Folds Concert– Mike, Erin and I drove out to Adrian to see Ben Folds last night. It was over an hour each way on winding country roads, but the music was great. Even if the music wasn’t good…it was worth going to see […]

My spontaneously combusting mind

Over the last few days, I’ve had a zillion things spinning through my head. I’ve been super stressed and thinking about all the things I could blog about…but tonight is just going to be a ranty, complaining emotion blurt. Usually I blog about the good things in life, but tonight I really need to vent. […]

Pictures from Michigan

Tonight I decided to pull off a bunch of pictures from my cell phone and do a photo post of our live in Michigan. You will unfortunately see a lot of pictures from restaurants. Food makes as happy, and when we’re happy we take pictures. Taylor and I love grabbing sandwiches at Potbelly Sandwich Works, […]

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Random thoughts on my last afternoon of freedom…

Yesterday I started my orientation with UofM Medical Center. Yesterday was a full day of patient safety, corporate culture, medication error reporting, HIPAA and JCAHO regulations, customer service videos, and all the other junk you’re required to review upon hire at a hospital. This morning was a little better…ID badges, benefits, retirement, and parking. They […]

Out of Necessity…

Today Taylor wiped our eyes, sucked in our guts and walked into the AT&T store to change our cell phone numbers to Michigan-734 numbers. We have loved and adored our Cali-909 numbers, but it was soon becoming a financial burden to keep our status symbol that very few people recognized. See, we have been able […]

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Putting it into perspective…

Before I blog about my trip to the doctor yesterday, I wanted to put in a plug for the Cindy Roesgen Benefit Concert. Cindy’s story is outlined if you click on the above picture. She’s the one who financed my friend Nathan McEuen’s last album “Festival,” and is currently suffering from a myriad of maladies […]

Scenes from Ann Arbor

Yesterday, Rosie and I took an adventure into Ann Arbor, which is about 20 minutes from Canton. There had been an 8″ snowfall, and school had been closed for the day. There was a concert I wanted to catch in the afternoon at Borders, so Rosie and I made a day trip of it and […]

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